
  • Paola Sampaio Gonzales University of São Paulo
  • Mário Marques Fernandes
  • Mara Rosângeles de Oliveira
  • Luciano Wolffenbuttel
  • Edgard Michel-Crosato
  • Rogério Nogueira de Oliveira


Palabras clave:

Forensic Dentistry, Anesthesia, Dental, Death, Sudden, Tooth Extraction, Emergencies


Emergency situations that may lead to the death of an individual, even when there is no cause directly related to the treatment, occur with certain frequency in dental offices. The purpose of this study was to report a case that involved an inquiry and police investigation related to the death of a female patient after the injection of two ampoules of 2% lidocaine anesthetic for dental treatment. The patient died despite assistance given by the professional and by SAMU (Urgent Mobile Medical Service). The legal authorities inquired into the possibility that the amount of anesthetic may have caused the patient’s death. However, it was proven that the amount of anesthesia was adequate, and the recommendation of the Public Prosecutor's Office was for closure of the case because of lack of evidence justifying occurrence of the crime

Biografía del autor/a

Paola Sampaio Gonzales, University of São Paulo

Social Dentistry Department, Dental School, University of São Paulo, São Paulo, Brazil.


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